Bleeding Edge: Pub/Sub Broker Design 

This is the content from my Bleeding Edge talk on pub/sub broker design and implementation.

Due to constraints of the project (European Commission, funded by EU) I cannot publicly distribute the implementation code at this time. I plan to do it after the review process is done. It has been advised, that this probably won't be the case.

Specifically, this is:

  • A message based pub/sub broker
  • Can use typed messages
  • Can be extended
  • Can communicate with anyone
  • Supports push and pull models
  • Can call you back
  • Service based
  • Fast (in memory)
  • Is currently fed by the Twitter gardenhose stream, for your pleasure

Anyway, I can discuss the implementation and design decisions, so here's the PPT (in slovene only).

Downloads: Bleeding Edge 2011, PPTs
Demo front-end: Here

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 10:17:31 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Load Test Tool for Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Cache 

During exploration of high availability (HA) features of Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Cache I needed to generate enough load in a short timeframe. You know, to kill a couple of servers.

This is what came out of it.

It's a simple command line tool, allowing you to:

  • Add millions of objects of arbitrary size to the cache cluster (using cache.Add())
  • Put objects of arbitraty size to cache cluster
  • Get objects back
  • Remove objects from cache
  • Has cluster support
  • Has local cache support
  • Will list configuration
  • Will max out you local processors (using .NET 4 Parallel.For())
  • Will perform graceously, even in times of trouble

I talked about this at a recent Users Group meeting, doing a live demo of cache clusters under load.

Typical usage scenario is:

  1. Configure a HA cluster
    Remember, 3 nodes minimum, Windows Server 2008 (R2) Enterprise or DataCenter
  2. Configure a HA cache
  3. Edit App.config, list all available servers
  4. Connect to cluster
  5. Put a bunch of large objects (generate load)
    Since AppFabric currently supports only partitioned cache type, this will distribute load among all cluster hosts. Thus, all hosts will store 1/N percent of objects.
  6. Stop one node
  7. Get all objects back
    Since cache is in HA mode, you will get all your objects back, even though a host is down - cluster will redistribute all the missing cache regions to running nodes.

You can download the tool here.

Categories:  .NET 4.0 - General | Architecture | Microsoft
Thursday, December 9, 2010 2:07:25 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Visual Studio: Why this Lack of Pureness Again? 

Developer pureness is what we should all strive for.

This is not it:

Conflicting with this:

[c:\NetFx4\versiontester\bin\debug]corflags VersionTester.exe
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework CorFlags Conversion Tool.  Version  3.5.21022.8
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Version   : v4.0.21006
CLR Header: 2.5
PE        : PE32
CorFlags  : 1
ILONLY    : 1
32BIT     : 0
Signed    : 0

Visual Studio must display version number of 4.0 instead of 4 in RTM. It needs to display major and minor number of the new framework coherently with 2.0, 3.0, 3.5.

Otherwise my compulsive disorder kicks in.

Categories:  .NET 4.0 - General
Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:50:47 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 ServiceModel: Assembly Size in .NET 4.0 

I'm just poking around the new framework, dealing with corflags and CLR Header versions (more on that later), but what I found is the following.

Do a dir *.dll /o:-s in the framework directory. You get this on .NET FX 4.0 beta 2 box:

[c:\windows\\framework64\v4.0.21006]dir *.dll /o:-s

 Volume in drive C is 7  Serial number is 1ED5:8CA5
 Directory of  C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.21006\*.dll

 7.10.2009 3:44   9.833.784  clr.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   6.072.664  System.ServiceModel.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   5.251.928  System.Windows.Forms.dll
 7.10.2009 6:04   5.088.584  System.Web.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   5.086.024  System.Design.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   4.927.808  mscorlib.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   3.529.608  Microsoft.VB.Activities.Compiler.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   3.501.376  System.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   3.335.000  System.Data.Entity.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   3.244.360  System.Data.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   2.145.096  System.XML.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.784.664  System.Web.Extensions.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   1.711.488  System.Windows.Forms.DataVis.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.697.128  System.Web.DataVis.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.578.352  System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   1.540.928  clrjit.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   1.511.752  mscordacwks.dll
 7.10.2009 3:44   1.454.400  mscordbi.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   1.339.248  System.Activities.Presentation.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.277.776  Microsoft.Build.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   1.257.800  System.Core.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   1.178.448  System.Activities.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.071.464  System.Workflow.Activities.dll
 7.10.2009 5:31   1.041.256  Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll
 7.10.2009 2:44   1.026.920  System.Runtime.Serialization.dll

Funny how many engineer dollars are/were spent on middle tier technologies I love.

Proof: System.ServiceModel.dll is bigger then System.dll, System.Windows.Forms.dll, mscorlib.dll, and System.Data.dll.

We only bow to clr.dll, a new .NET 4.0 Common Language Runtime implementation.

Categories:  .NET 4.0 - General | .NET 4.0 - WCF
Saturday, October 24, 2009 12:39:05 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


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Matevž Gačnik

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