Why only Schematron 

Dare wants to get feedback on System.Xml 3.0 features.

What is wrong with this one?

Categories:  XML
Friday, 25 June 2004 09:33:24 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Going on... 

This is so so good. Clemens' blogging engine and my web server did not stop even once in more than 200 days.

PsInfo 1.36 - local and remote system information viewer
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

System information for \\megabyte:
Uptime:                    209 days 17 hours 1 minute 21 seconds
Kernel version:            Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Uniprocessor Free
Product type:              Advanced Server
Product version:           5.2
Service pack:              0
Kernel build number:       3790
Registered organization:   request-response.com
Registered owner:          Matevz Gacnik
Install date:              8.11.2003, 16:36:56
Activation status:         Activated
IE version:                6.0000
System root:               C:\WINDOWS
Processors:                1
Processor speed:           1.4 GHz
Processor type:            AMD Athlon(tm) XP processor 1700+
Physical memory:           1024 MB
Video driver:              Rage Fury Pro/Xpert 2000 Pro

Categories:  Blogging | Other
Sunday, 20 June 2004 22:26:12 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 OTS 2004 

As last year, I spoke on OTS 2004 too.

This time, we discussed transactional semantics in weakly bound, distributed systems.

Hope to see you on 2005's annual reincarnation of a great conference.

Categories:  Transactions | Web Services | Work
Sunday, 20 June 2004 22:19:39 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Daniel does it the right way 

Daniel Cazzulino, one of our breed, shares this perfect blog posting about a super efficient way of passing XML data as XML, but without loading full DOM on the server side.

Started here and here.

I especially like the availability of arbitrary positioning of XPathNavigator to only serialize the bits you are interested in.

The only limitation of this solution is that it does not ship with FX 1.0/1.1 and you have to be a master in XML to fully grok it. But hey, if you don't, you can still use XmlDocument as a return type. :)

Categories:  MVP | XML
Monday, 31 May 2004 19:06:03 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 VS 2005 CTP - May 2004 help broken 

If you already downloaded or installed a TechEd 2004 San Diego version of Visual Studio 2005 CTP you must have found out that the help system does not work.

What you get is a “Downloading...” progress bar and nothing is shown.

To fix it, do this:

  • Open c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\help whidbey\dexplore.exe.config
  • Change supportedRuntime's and requiredRuntime's element attribute version from “v2.0.40507“ to “v2.0.40426”.
  • Final text should read <supportedRuntime version=“v2.0.40426“ safemode=“true“ />

It should work now.

Categories:  Other | Work
Thursday, 27 May 2004 20:47:03 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 WSE 2.0 Out of the Closet 

Finally! After 30 minutes of SteveB's keynote talk, here at TechEd 2004 in San Diego, WSE 2 was announced.

Download it here.

Categories:  Web Services
Monday, 24 May 2004 17:56:15 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 What happened? 

Harwey said it's code complete around March 1st.

As I got the confirmation today that first bits from the Indigo team will be available to the selected ones in late July/early August, this is definitely something to look for.


Why is...

Why is it...

Why is it still...

Why is it still brewing?

Categories:  Web Services | XML
Monday, 17 May 2004 18:29:13 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Do it the right way 

With all the talk going on I agree that this is bad:

public class MyWebService
   public string GetSomeXML()
     // get some xml
     return xml;



public class MyClient
   public static void Main()
      MyWebService objWS = new MyWebService();
      string strXML = objWS.GetSomeXML();
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      // processing

A lot better (in most situations) is:

public class MyWebService
   public XmlDocument GetSomeXML()
     // return xml

The former scenario serializes the document directly into the output SOAP stream, therefore bypassing double string (de)serialization.

There are special cases, when one would like to bypass the other approach (passing XML as XmlDocument) on the server side. If you have all the data ready and want to pass it as quickly as humanly possible, without rehydrating the entire full blown DOM-capable object, you would use System.String (xsd:string in the XML world) and System.Text.StringBuilder to contacenate it.

If you don't know what to choose I propose this:

  • It is year 2004, therefore platform and tool support is available in a way that XML processing is not a limitation from the XSD type system -> platform type system conversion side. Therefore choose XmlDocument.
  • Choose XmlDocument.
  • Choose the string way if and only if you are expecting clients which have no other way to bridge/decouple the raw SOAP XML string into something programmatic inside your platform.

In any case, things will change in late July or early August.

Categories:  XML
Monday, 17 May 2004 18:17:32 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Validation bug in .NET Fx 1/1.1 

I wrote about a bug in validation engine of .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 a couple of weeks ago. There was a lot of posts/discussions/emails about this issue later on.

As Dare, Web Data Team PM, points out, it turns that this anomaly is manifesting itself through System.Xml.XmlValidaingReader, because System.Uri class has a problem. And System.Uri has a problem, because RFC 2396 does not support empty values in BNF notation of URI.

So, what I propose is that if you end up in a similiar situation that we did in a production environment and want to validate XML instances or XML digital signatures (which are likely to be prone to this problem too, depends on a generation engine) and current Whidbey release is not your cup of tea, THEN CHANGE THE SPECIFICATION/SCHEMA.

Simply change xsd:anyURI with xsd:string. It will help. :)

I know this is architecturally a bad idea. But there is no other way to get around this bug until Whidbey ships (unless you want to change platforms).

I'm glad that usability is driving the ambiguity choice in this case. I'm glad that decision has been made to support empty strings in System.Uri even though the spec is not clear. Some things are just more natural than others.

Categories:  XML
Thursday, 13 May 2004 19:37:30 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 See it, hear it 

It just ended. The biggest IT conference (NTK 2004) in Slovenia.

I managed to visit two sessions in four days, since I had four of my own (System.XML, WSE2, C# Syntax Changes, GXA stack description).

The first one was an unofficial MihaK's public revelation of New Zealand Joy After One Year(tm). Great! It's still messing with my head. One guy inside is telling me it's too good to be true. The other one is forcing me to go there.

The second one was the presentation of work we did during the last 6 months for a GSMA/Mobitel/Microsoft project. When a mobile operator CTO says it's good, it better be. And I believe it's super important to recognize the security characteristics & requirements as early as we did.

Categories:  Work
Thursday, 13 May 2004 18:19:00 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Longhorn 4074 

If you downloaded Longhorn build 4074 from MSDN Universal Subscription download site, you are missing Longhorn SDK.

Wait. Wait. It's going to be available in a couple of days.

Categories:  Windows Vista
Thursday, 06 May 2004 20:00:22 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 We Achived A Major Milestone On The Hotel Project Im On On Friday We Deploye 

We achived a major milestone on the hotel project I'm on on Friday. We deployed the application to complete 5th floor.

Although the web site does not say much, there is A LOT of meat behind this concept.

I attached a picture of the simple room control application.

It's all XML. It's .NET/COM/Java. And it interoperates beautifully.

Categories:  Other | Work
Sunday, 18 April 2004 13:31:03 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 TechEd San Diego 2004 

Count me in.

Staying at San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina. Flying in on 22/5/04, leaving on 29/5/04.

Categories:  Conferences
Sunday, 18 April 2004 13:16:39 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Google's next steps 

This is one of the best weblog posts in a while. A must read.

I'm wondering whether this will work out, GMail and all.

100.000 servers and Google File System?

Categories:  Other
Thursday, 08 April 2004 13:25:35 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 WebData team 

Today I spent the whole day with Microsoft Webdata team, which is responsible for the majority of System.Xml namespace.

We discussed new features in System.Xml v2, some of them have already been mentioned.

Dare, Mark, Arpan, thank you for the insight. I hope we helped you make some decisions.

Categories:  XML
Thursday, 08 April 2004 01:46:10 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 MVP Summit: Shy recruiters and dog owners 

I did not manage to meet Gretchen from Gretchen and Zoe yesterday, but I'm sure when I do, I'll talk to her about Oliver and Duncan.


This is my animal. And I know the feeling.

Categories:  MVP
Monday, 05 April 2004 11:47:01 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 MVP Global Summit 2004 

I just managed to get connectivity in my hotel and am about to go register in the Seattle congress centre for this year's MVP Global Summit event.

Even though I like Seattle, the weather is causing me to fallback almost to winter clothes.

Organization, as usually, is flawless. It seems the company really cares.

Categories:  MVP
Sunday, 04 April 2004 23:19:16 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 - Slovenia 

I just came back from a final event of choosing the best student team in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 - Slovenia, where I participated as one of the jury members.

The winning team developed a solution for optimizing warehouse management (JANUS - Intelligent Warehouse System), which was my favourite throughout the competition.

Congratulations to everybody that participated and especially the winners.

Categories:  Other
Monday, 15 March 2004 21:20:20 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


 Andrej has a blog 

I just found this out today that Andrej Budja blogs.

I hope your team does well tommorrow at Microsoft CCC 2004 cup finals.

Categories:  Personal
Sunday, 14 March 2004 12:00:38 (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


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Matevž Gačnik

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