Acer Ferrari 4005 WLMi 

My old laptop died on me this past weekend. Even though it wasn't much of a machine lately, it was dependable to the very last moment, when it decided to stop working completely. Dell Inspiron,  RIP.

My new workhorse is a fabulous machine: Acer Ferrari 4005 WLMi

It's a 64-bit machine, based on AMD Turion 64 processor. It looks splendid, although I have to admit that if it would be possible, I would remove the Ferrari logo during my meetings - even though I am a Ferrari F1 fan.

I'm running Windows Vista December CTP x64 edition, including VS 2005 + .NET Frameword 2.0 x64, WinFX RTC December CTP x64, Windows SDK x64, etc.

Running Indigo in a 64-bit process is a breeze. :)

Anyone deciding between Pentium M and Turion 64 based machine should read: Clash of the Titans: Dothan vs. Turion

The article compares Intel Pentium M 760 (Dothan) and AMD Turion 64 ML-37. It's a great article considering the shift to 64-bit is currently underway.

Categories:  Personal | Work
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 12:39:48 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 10:31:08 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
Congrats on your new machine. I had the same situation. Laptop of 3+ years commited suicide. Got me a new Acer Ferrari 4005 WLMi.

I tried installing the 64bit version vista 64-bit Dec CTP. but was having trouble with the drivers. WiFi could not be detected.PCMCIA card reader told me the processor did not support the driver. The processor was reporting as jibberish.

Any tips for success?

Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:31:01 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
Jibberish processor name is a known issue in 5270 - don't worry about it. :)

WiFi drivers are updated once you're online with the cable access and run automatic updates.

PCMCIA card reader can be installed using the Win XP x64 drivers.

Hope this helps.
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