What I use Gmail For 

Gmail is wonderful. It gives you around 1GB of storage space for no-spam email. It can give you even more.

How I use it:

  • When I get my mail to my laptop, I do not delete it from the server
  • When I get mail on my main machine, I have it setup so that messages are deleted after a month of residing on the server. Yes, Outlook has this option. This gives me more than enough time to grab the messages from the server with my laptop, before they are deleted.
  • I have a message rule on my main machine which forwards all incoming messages to my Gmail account


I love having all messages stored. And I have everything stored on my main machine. But, since Gmail has 1GB of fast-search-capable storage I prefer browsing through my mail using remote Gmail than my local Outlook. Implicitly I get web access to all my email.

We're probably more that three years away from achieving this on our local machines.

Categories:  Other | Personal
Monday, August 30, 2004 9:09:20 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments


Friday, September 3, 2004 12:19:58 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
Did you try the Lookout (http://www.lookoutsoft.com/Lookout/) search add-in for Outlook? It works much faster than default Outlook search.
Friday, September 3, 2004 12:23:23 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
I did. I liked it, but it's still an add-on. :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:17:45 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
This comment is very belated; but if you still have a Gmail invitation I would appreciate it.
Brent Jacquemart
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:35:18 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
Gmail does not support pop3 (http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=10350&query=pop3&topic=&type=f), so I wonder how do you access that mail from your main machine without using a browser...
Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:21:49 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)

I don't. I only use web based front end, whenever necessary.

Thursday, June 9, 2005 8:30:49 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
I have been using it when I have Corrupted dbx and Outlook express wont open. Outlook Express more stable and secure than other programs.
Friday, June 10, 2005 7:44:42 AM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
I must admit to being more impressed for Fix outlook express, Inbox repair tool and Dbx file recovery. I've even recommended it to all my friends.
Friday, October 26, 2007 4:41:30 PM (Central Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)
For recover corrupted files try - <a href="http://www.recoverytoolbox.com/repair_outlook_express.html">dbx repair</a>, may extract all messages that should be recovered from the dbx repair file, save all extracted messages to the hard drive as message files in the eml format before a repairing Outlook Express, supports files of the .dbx format for Outlook Express versions 5, 5.5 and 6.
Alex Krenvalk
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